Monday, May 14, 2012


I am currently reading 'Lord Jim' by Joseph Conrad, which is extremely dense with descriptive passages. It's rather impressive when you consider that English was not his first language. Nor was it his second. It was something around the sixth language he learned. Good man Joe. His intoxication with the East is apparent throughout, and passes on something of the impression of what India must be like. I very much want to go there. I've always dreamed about travelling, to wherever life and fortune might take me..
This is Córdoba in Spain. I was there recently, and loved the place. I also went to Seville:
While I was in Seville I had a most unusual sequence of dreams. This led me to wonder if travel encourages more vivid and lucid dream states. Is it that the brain is taking in so much new information and sensory experiences that it increases the amount of dreaming in order to clear more room on its "internal hard drive" as it were? I'd be interested to hear from other people who are regular travellers and find out their views on this. If one was to travel extensively for four to six months, for example, does dream activity become heightened, and if so, how long does it last after they have arrived back to wherever they started from. I know very little about dreams, psychology, Freud and all that, but this particular experience led me to wonder a bit more about how it all works.

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