Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Mad as March Hair

So today, I got a haircut for the first time since about June 2010. The length of my hair was not the problem, but the sheer weight and thickness of it was weighing down on my spirit, mind and body. I was hoping to somehow thin it out without losing TOO much of the length. So today I took the plunge. normally I'm quite wary of barber shops, basically because I've had so many bad haircuts, many of which result in me going back to almost a military-style short cut. Surprisingly, this did not happen. The venue is a small town in rural Pennsylvania, built almost entirely on hills. after googling the place, I found a barber right down the street. I walked in, unsure of what to expect. it immediately felt like I was in a 1950s style movie barber shop. old-fashioned and friendly and what is more, they actually gave me what I asked for. And more: a hot towel, straight razor shave and beard shaping. I feel better groomed and less scruffy than I have for a very long time.
Other than that, I finally finished the 'Lost City' which was actually not that bad, except it ended up being an anticlimax. my next book to start, which will probably be tomorrow, is Ernest Hemingway's 'For Whom The Bell Tolls.' I am looking forward to it, I haven't read a novel in quite some time.
Today was quite pleasant, I spent the afternoon listening to music which I haven't heard in a while, some of the staples being Tom Petty, Neil Young, and some of the more obscure Tom Waits tracks.
a minor note this week is the occurrence of a small festival called St. Patrick's Day. It is generally celebrated in the USA the weekend beforehand, and last Saturday saw us playing two shows back to back in Roanoke, Virginia, before heading bar-wards to engage in some debauchery. the day itself will be a quiet one for us, as we are playing in a casino in the afternoon, and are spending the evening and the majority of the night on the bus from upstate New York to Charlotte, North Carolina. Touring can take its toll on one, physically and mentally. At this point many of us are feeling the strain, so not partying too much is probably a good thing..
Having said that, I am currently exhausted, and am going to go grab a quick nap before show time.
I love my work.
Peace, Love and naps.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Brain Vomit

So today I have decided to do many things that I normally would put off doing, seeing as I got up early and am not hungover. (Somehow I think those two things might be relative..) Anyhow, the point is that I am not good at multitasking, or ordering my priorities. So I went to the pool. then I ate a sandwich. then I took some photographs of the snow. now I am finally getting down to business. Writing. while eating a sandwich. And putting fresh strings on my mandolin, while listening to bluegrass. This is how I tend to be productive; putting aside a small amount of time to do all the important things I need/want to do, so I can later justify not doing anything. Luckily eating all those sandwiches means I can put off having dinner until I finish.
So today's entry is not really about any one thing, seeing as I have a lot of thoughts going on at the moment. The band is playing a 3-day run of shows in a fairly prestigious (i.e. expensive) ski resort up near the Canadian border. Skiing has always seemed a rather pointless exercise to me. Those who know me will know that I usually find most exercise pointless, and of course I hate the cold. So the idea of paying ten thousand dollars to spend a weekend going up a mountain on a chairlift and then sliding back down seems silly. But it is these people who are paying my wages. And we get to use the hotel's facilities (gym, hot tub and pool) which is okay by me.
I do not like the cold. Did I mention this?
I'm reading a book called 'The Lost City of Z'. It is about a real-life character, an Amazon explorer in the early twentieth century. It's not often I don't want to finish a book, but this chap was an extremely disagreeable person, and even reading about him makes me hate him. And who wants to read a book that makes them angry. It would be the literary equivalent of me voluntarily watching a Julia Roberts film. Nobody needs unnecessary anger in their life. having said that, I'll probably finish the book..
Also, if anybody wants to buy me a Fender Telecaster, feel free. I really want one, but budget cuts must be made... :(
Furthermore, I have never driven a car in the US. It can't be that hard, right? They let 14 year olds do it..
Okay, now I need to finally post this, and go set up for tonight's show. This life doesn't come easy...
Peace and Love (and Sandwiches :D)