Monday, January 24, 2011

Colourful Times

This blog is going to be about the things I have been getting up to recently. for anyone who follows my Twitter, you will probably know I've been on tour in the USA. we're about 10 days in, so sufficient time has passed to accumulate a few anecdotes. As I write this I'm in a dressing room at a venue in the Colorado Rockies, a ski resort somewhere not too far from Denver. the show tonight was pretty heady, mainly due to the elevation, which left everyone slightly fuzzy-headed and played havoc with the instruments. the drive to get here was pretty scenic though, here's a video of it:

We started the tour back on the 12th in Memphis, then Texarkana, Florida, Texas, California, Las Vegas and finally here in Colorado, heading for sunnier climes tomorrow, Rapid City, South Dakota; where if I can get a few of the other crew members to come along, we plan to go see Mt. Rushmore (if indeed we can see it at all, with the snow...) so anyway, I won't be writing too much stuff about it, but dancer Charlene has a blog which she updates assiduously, so feel free to check that out:

They fed us really nice food here today; the lunch being your usual catered flatmeat, but with actual nice bread and plenty yogurt, oatmeals, cereal and what not. dinner was monkfish, cooked with olives, peppers and caramelized onion. mmm...

and lastly, I have found a very interesting website which has kept me entertained while not doing all the other fun things I do, like changing strings and soundchecking...

okay so, I'm off to catch up on some beers.
peace and love. D

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