not all coffee is good. by no means. In fact I have drank a large amount of bad coffee recently. Normally, at home in Ireland I don't tend to drink coffee at all, but on the road in the US, coffee is more readily available than tea, and since I still need my caffeine fix, will suffice to fill a gap. Anyhow, whether or not I'm drinking good coffee, I still think that it doesn't have the same psychological effect that tea can have, especially on myself, a veteran tea drinker. I apologise to those who expect something a little deeper from my blog. I'm just a little bit homesick, and would love a nice cup of Lyon's right now. preferably with some nice biscuits. I personally like Chocolate Polos, but really, I have no major preference. except for Fig Rolls. I really don't like Fig Rolls. speaking of which, I ate my first actual fig at Christmas, thanks to the wide-ranging tastes of Sister the Elder. I actually quite liked it. I have not expanded my palate much recently, so the addition of a new fruit/vegetable is, I suppose, an event to be remembered. Here's to the humble fig! I also like dates. The sticky fruit kind. I'm not very experienced with the other kind. Although the kind that you find in a history book I am familiar with. Anyhow, that's the extent of my thoughts on stuff right now.
Peace and Prosperity.
Typo there people: Lyons'. Apologies.