I'm sitting in a cafe beside a canal, with large windows letting in the remains of the grey light of the winter's afternoon. scattered raindrops scud across the surface of the canal, and turn one's mind to the upcoming season, my favourite time of year. That's right, I'm talking about New Year's Resolutions.
I suppose the normal thing to be thinking of at this time of year is the impending gluttony of the season of Christmas, the Christian epitome of the Westernized, globalist society. Even now, when people are in the throes of doom and gloom, they will spill their near-empty sparáns for a decent tree and toys for the young 'uns.
I might blog about Christmas when the time comes closer, but for now the festive fever has not grasped me. I prefer to look ahead, knowing that what happens in between is probably little different to last year or the years preceding it. New Year's Resolutions, however, should not be spur-of-the-moment decisions made in the throes of a comedown from too much merriment. I try to think about these decisions at least once a week in the month or so leading up to and around January 1st. I started trying to do this about two years ago, and can honestly say that having thought about them more, the term 'resolution' becomes much more apt, having achieved over half of the goals I set out for myself last year, being 'resolute'.
I won't deny that many admirable goals are thought of after too much wine on New Year's Eve, but how many of those admirable goals are even remembered by January 31st?
I will probably post some of my resolutions here after the 1st of January, but until then, I will continue to blather about other, less intense things.
peace and love my homies.
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